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Are Your Ready to Burn Your Old Life for Your New One?

business career development finance women Sep 09, 2024


Where Inspiration Comes From

One of the bigger sources of inspiration for me to determine and guide what I want to build within my business is by listening to the stories that others are sharing.

I listen to the stories of others and add my layers of advisory as a finance professional, entrepreneur, advocate, mother...and many other hats.

Recently I was inspired by a social media post by Canadian Creator & Influencer Sarah Nicole Landry, aka The Birds Papaya.  She had posted about an incredible opportunity she received from NFL Canada to watch her beloved Philadelphia Eagles in Brazil with her equally beloved husband.  

What got me as I watched her post was the sheer level of joy in her face and voice. It felt like watching someone have their pinch me moment unfold right before your eyes. It was really heartwarming.  I couldn't resist sending her a note to say firstly, what an incredible adventure, but also that she deserved to have these moments. Having followed her for years, and watching live the ups and downs, I felt like she deserved to hear that.  This latter comment sparked are really lovely exchange between 2 women who understand the cost of success and a lot of the pits and valleys that come along with building the life of your dreams after years of struggle.

Like Sarah, I've watched my life significantly change over the past few years for the better. From being in Forbes, to now being in a Finance Expert in the media, to using my life story in my work as a Public Speaker to inspire others to live the life of their dreams, it has been an incredible whirlwind.  If I had to sum it up, it has been a continuous season of reaping the rewards of committed action, planning, strategy and execution after years of struggling to find the right path and balancing the competing priorities between motherhood and womanhood.

What I was prepared for, because I was working towards it, was a complete leveling up of my life.

The goals:

Strong Career

Endless Opportunities

Financial Freedom


What I wasn't expecting was how the people around me would react to my successes and their altered perceptions of me.

What once was "yes, you can do this, you can build a business and brand" turned into "you've changed" or "if you're so stressed out you should just go get a regular job". "Big deal, she's still a nobody. She doesn't work for a big company." And of course, my fave...."who does she think she is now?" 

I was prepared for the fulfilment, the financial and career was the reward I was chasing.

But I wasn't prepared for the loss, the grief that comes from out growing old spaces you no longer fit into.  I'd be lying if I said this was easy, losing people you care about or that you always expected to want to see you win in this life is nothing short of a mind puzzler.

That's not even considering the toll and impact of dealing with people you don't know well or at all who make assumptions that your success was undeserving or that you're boasting when you're just celebrating your arrival.

Being and building yourself to be a public figure, influencer, whatever the name may be, requires nerves of steel and the ability to let things that need to burn, burn and to disregard the naysayers.  These are not your people. Not everyone needs to be your people, you have to find your new people at every stage and interval of your life.  I had to explain this to my oldest when she started high school, and found myself in my 40’s doing the exact same thing. It has been humbling.

What I understand now, after years of trying to make peace with these changes is when you grow and others don't, they feel left behind.  You didn't do anything wrong by sharing a win, or talking about your new chapter, or by just being you.  Growth is triggering for those who choose not to do it.  Or who just aren't ready to venture, try, fail, and get right back up.

I was once a stay at home mom, and made strong bonds during this time with others.  But now that I am long since gone and moved into this Entrepreneur & Canadian Finance Expert role, my ambitions, my days, and trajectory have completely changed.  The conversations I want to have changed.  The places that I want to be have changed.  That's when you lose alignment with people.  It took me a long time to understand that trying to tether myself to old versions of life for the sake of not going through the loss, was holding me back from the places I now wanted to be in this new, inspired, and kick ass version of myself.

Standing Tall

I also knew that continuing to shrink myself to make others feel comfortable was not only wrong, but made feel subconsciously guilty for what I had earned.  If you want to understand more about this, Tall Poppy Syndrome is an official name for what this experience feels like. "Tall poppy syndrome refers to successful people being criticized. This occurs when their peers believe they are too successful, or are bragging about their success. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as 'cutting down the tall poppy' " After years of feeling brought down by life, my choice is simple, I will walk away from anything or anyone that isn't ok with me standing tall.

I am using my success to create scholarship opportunities for students with learning disabilities, to bring financial literacy to deserving communities across Canada, to create an app that is free for anyone who feels stuck in life and needs a boost in resources about finance, career, and building a business.  

I'm not trying to stand tall to be better, I am standing tall so that others who were where I was can see me, and feel inspired and maybe come along with me.

And so, I will continue to celebrate myself, others who are winning, and work as I am to help others win.....there is more than enough room for all of us to stand tall.


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